Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The problem with Greece?

Here's a joke that I heard, told by a Greek. I think it may exemplify a Greek trait that holds the country and its people back.

There are three guys; an Italian, a German, and, of course, a Greek. God comes to them and tells them that he will grant them each one wish, any desire that they may have.

First he asks the Italian: "what do you wish for?" And the Italian replies: "Well, my neighbour has a beautiful Lamborghini in his driveway. I would like to have one like it."

Poof! He has his new car.

Next the German. "What one wish can I grant for you?" The German replies: "Well, my neighbour has a beautiful wife. I would like to marry someone so beautiful."

Poof! The German gets his dream wife.

Finally the Greek. "What is your desire?" The Greek thinks for a moment and replies: "My neighbour has a wonderful goat that gives much milk. I would like to see it dead."

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